Introducing Drawdown Data Science

Welcome to my blog!

The Drawdown Data Science blog is about reversing human created global warming, with a focus on data science and artificial intelligence techniques as significant pieces of the solution. I am motivated to communicate because of my goal to act to solve climate change. I intend to spur others to contribute to solving this global crisis. And yes, it is nothing short of a crisis. There is nothing to debate here, when 97% of climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming.

Global warming and the associated climate change is happening already — in your state, town, district, or country. It’s not good for anyone — whether it’s hurricanes, drought, fires, extreme heat, extreme storms, flooding, or just a shift in the growing season near you…these things have all been influenced by the rising temperatures. But there are plenty of resources discussing these changes. I direct you to a few in the related resources section of this blog.

The main topic of Drawdown Data Science is exploring ways to reduce our impact on the climate, primarily with actions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or concentrations, either directly or indirectly. We focus on solutions from data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. We also occasionally discuss the role of humans in the currently changing climate.

Before we dig in, I want to acknowledge that this topic can be frightening and overwhelming. I really wish that global warming was not happening. I’d rather be blogging about something else. It’s not going to be quick or easy to solve these problems. But right now, we’re making a bad deal, trading a small boost in our current standard of living for ongoing climate disruption. We’ll need to take a deep breath periodically and remember that humans are creative and resourceful. Part of that resourcefulness is reflected in technological innovations. Yes, we are part of the problem, but we are also part of the solution!

So, let’s start! Stay tuned — our next post will cover several examples of how data science and artificial intelligence are reversing global warming.

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cindi.thompson Written by: